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Czoernig (pronounced t∫ørnig                                ) is an online database and data exchange hub containing historical demographic, economic and other data on Central and Eastern Europe.


In terms of its geographic extent, the bulk of the datasets that you can find here covers the provinces and crownlands once ruled by the Habsburgs (hence the schwarzgelb colour scheme) but I happily accept contributions from other corners of the general CEE region. In terms of its temporal extent, most of the data pertain to the period before 1914 but this is not a hard and fast rule. I also impose no limit on how far back into the past the data may go. 


The seed of the data collection consists of various datasets that I have transcribed and cleaned from available Austrian and Hungarian sources during the course of my own research. But for this page to serve as a true data hub, it relies on willing contributions from other researchers of the economic and social history of the area. For every such contribution, I and the rest of the research community are very grateful.


©2022 by Czoernig - The Central European Historical Data Hub

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