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Aggregate production series: Habsburg Monarchy, 1830-1913

Annual time series (indices and physical quantities and values in 1913 prices) of manufacturing and mining production in Cisleithania (Imperial Austria) and Transleithania (Hungary)


Cisleithania, Transleithania, manufacturing, mining, textiles, coal, cotton, woollen, railroad, iron, salt, sugar, beer, flour, zinc, copper, gold, silver

Geographical extent:

Habsburg Monarchy

Year(s) covered by data: 

1830 - 1913

Unit of observation:


Source type:

published monograph

Transcription originator:

John Komlos

Recommended citation:

Komlos, John. The Habsburg Monarchy as a Customs Union: Economic Development in Austria-Hungary in the Nineteenth Century. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983

Any note of caution:

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